Today was a busy day.
First thing this morning was my dental appointment. I don't dread dentists but dental work is not exactly the most pleasant things to do.
I had a few small cavities as a kid, then braces as a teenager. Then impacted wisdom teeth on the bottom removed in my early twenties. I didn't have any more cavities or problems until I had my last upper molars extracted (rather than root canals) in my late twenties. Basically I wasn't brushing the back of the tooth good enough. Once the molar was removed there was room for my only top wisdom tooth to come through. Other than the pain of it, I thought it was rather humorous to be teething at 30 and to not be as smart as everyone else because I only had 3 wisdom teeth! Anyway, it eventually fell apart and had to be removed as well.
After I had Sam I saw a dentist who told me that I did not have any cavities, just a couple spots that he would want to watch closely. He sent me away with a cleaning and extra strength flouride toothpaste.
Then I was pregnant with twins and had gestational diabetes during the pregnancy. Apparently this is not a good combination and it sucked the life out of my teeth! Shortly after they were born I went for a checkup and cleaning. I had 17, yes that is seventeen, cavities!!!! It took several visits to get them all filled.
With the move we made this year I was overdue for a checkup and cleaning so I made an appointment as soon as my mom was going to be here. I still don't know anyone else well enough to subject them to three toddlers while I go for appointments. Anyway, I got a cleaning and had 5 small cavities to fill - the appointment was today. He filled the 5 cavities and found another one at the end of the appointment, so I have to go back next week. ugggg
The moral of this story is get your teeth checked and cleaned every 6 months!!! I am not a regular flosser and I should be brushing twice a day. And especially if you are pregnant - get your teeth checked and cleaned during your pregnancy. I fund out that they can (and would have) done alot during pregnancy that would have prevented the big mess my mouth ended up in.
After my dentist appointment I came home and picked up the kids and my mom and we went to pick up my order from the Grain CO-OP coordinator. This was my first order from
Bread Beckers. After the discount, I think it is the lowest price for bulk grains. I have to do an inventory of all the grain we have now, but it is up over 300 pounds! And the amazing thing is that it only took a few months to do it.
After we got back from picking up the order it was time to split wood. A couple weeks ago hubby and a friend went with some other people to cut wood. We ended up with a trailer full of cut sections. A couple days ago someone let us borrow a wood splitter. Today was the day to try it out and get our wood pile started.
Of course a good storage plan includes alternate heat and cooking sources. We havea wonderful wod stove in our house. The picture of the wood stove on the realtor site was one of the big reasons why we wanted to see this house. In fact, if a house did not have a woodburning stove or fireplace it didn't even make the list to view!
Oops, got off track there for a minute! But it does remindme that I need to post more info about our preps planning. Okay, back to today - I was worried that the kids would be scared of the loud engine but they did well after a couple minutes. My mom & I stacked the first few split logs and then the boys took over. It was so cute to see these little guys gathering wood and stacking it. Well actually they were throwing it on the pile until we got them to hand it to us. They gathered alot of wood and worked really hard for a long time, but then they became 2 year olds again and the novelty wore off.
Meanwhile Carlee stood and watched us. The little princess did not lift a finger. I would have "made" her help, but she does have a nasty little injury on her finger right now. Of course my wonderful Mother decided that she is just like me - she recalls that I never helped to carry much wood for our campfires when I was young. I don't remember that at all, I'm sure I must have pulled my nose out of a book long enough to pleasantly help out! (not likely!) I do know that I enjoyed lots of campfires!
So that was my fun filled day. Pain, grain & disdain!!