Monday, September 29, 2008

Mark 14:1-42

Mark 14: 1-42 The Betrayer Approaches

verse 24 And he said to them, "This is my blood, poured out for many, sealing the covenant between God and his people.


In vere 24 we are given the sign of the New Covenant, the symbol of drinking the wine as a remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice. In the Old Testament there are other signs that God gave as a sign of covenents he made with the Jewish people, examples are the rainbow and circumcision. But now in the New Testament we are all part of this New Covenant that all can come to God and be forgiven of our sins because Jesus shed his blood as the final sacrifice.

The symbol of Communion is often treated simply as a church tradition. I think that the significance of why we have Communion is taken for granted or even not understood. We need look further into the Chapter, at verses 33-34 and 36 to really understand the significance.

33 He took Peter, James, and John with him, and he began to be filled with horror and deep distress. 34 He told them, "My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and watch with me."

Jesus in prayer asks the Father, 36 Please take this cup of suffering away from me.


This coming Sunday is the first Sunday of the month and is tradtionally when many churches celebrate Communion. I have a renewed awe and respect for the meaning of the tradition and will hold that close to my heart and be so much more thankful for Jesus' sacrifice and for his suffering.


Jesus, thank you for bringing me close to you and for being the final sacrifice. Through you I can have God in my life, working in me and through me. Help me to show others how important your sacrifice was and how wonderful it is to be able to have a close relationship with you and God.

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