One morning we are driving in the van and it was unusually quiet. Soon Carlee started to sing her own little song that she was making up as she was singing. It went on and on and on and on and was very very cute. Here is part of what her song was like...
Shapes Shapes Shapes
Shapes Shapes are everywhere
The sun is a circle
Wheels are a circle
The sky is a circle
(a pause, then the song continues)
No No No
Nopey Nopey No No
The sky is a .....
The sky is a big blue square
Shapes Shapes Shapes
Shapes Shapes are everywhere
Trees are a....
Trees are a...
TRIANGLE Yeah a Triangle
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Shapes Shapes Shapes
Shapes Shapes are everywhere
Legs are like a circle
Shoes are like a oval
BooBoos are a line
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Boos are a line
Well you get the idea hahaha
Then I asked Ben to sing a song and his favorite toy of the day was a monster truck so he sang a monster truck song. However, he sang it very softly and not even Sam who sits beside him could hear the song. So I said "Ben, you need to sing louder so we can hear your song" He said "I sang only as loud as I can sing." Well then, too bad he didn't have that volume more often LOL
Then it was Sam's turn, and he is fascinated with police right now. His song went something like this...
I like polices
I like polices
I will be a police when I grow up
so I can help people
and be a police motorcycle driver
I like polices
I like polices
I will get the bad guys
I will search for clues
so I can find bad guys
I like polices
I like polices
I will live in a police building
it will be small
small small small small
pretty pretty small small small
kinda like Daddy's office building
but not that big
small small small small
but not as small as an ant
(then I laugh out loud)
Sam then says "Mama, it is not funny. My songs are not funny. Now I have to start all over"
Sam starts to sing - I like Po
But Ben yells BOO and giggles - so much for being quiet
Sam says to Ben - BEN don't interrupt it is not funny.
Sam starts to sing - I like Po
Ben again yells BOO and laughs hysterically
Sam yells BEN, now I have to start again.
Sam starts to sing - I like Po
Ben and Carlee yell BOO and it then turns into a 10 minute yelling and giggling laugh fest. It was so nice when it was quiet...sigh...